Halo Infinite Trailer Shows Off Its First Ever FreeToPlay Multiplayer

Halo Infinite Trailer Shows Off Its First Ever Free-To-Play Multiplayer

Halo Infinite returned to the spotlight and got its first look at its incredible-looking multiplayer mode at Microsoft’s E3 2021 showcase.

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Halo Infinite got a proper re-reveal at Xbox’s E3 showcase after its controversial gameplay reveal last summer. This time, Xbox was showing off the multiplayer for Halo Infinite, something that has been under wraps for many years. Naturally, fans were ecstatic to finally see some multiplayer gameplay at E3.

Developer 343 Industries had been hyping up an E3 appearance of Halo Infinite for a while, so there was no real mystery in the reveal. Halo Infinite was announced several years ago but only got a proper reveal last year at an Xbox Series X event. Although the gameplay was smooth and looked pretty fun, many were not content with the game’s graphics, especially as it was meant to be the big system seller. If it wasn’t going to be a graphical behemoth, it was going to be a disappointment in the eyes of many. As a result, Microsoft allowed a one-year delay for the game and now, it seems Halo Infinite is actually shaping up for a proper launch.

As rumors had suggested, Microsoft showcased the multiplayer for Halo Infinite which was still rooted in the DNA of the series for the most part. 343 has clearly evolved past the days of Bungie over its last few entries in the series, adding things like sprint and more. With Halo Infinite being an evolution of the series while also paying tribute to what made fans fall in love, it expectedly innovates in some areas while still ensuring fans won’t be alienated. Players can use things like grappling hooks to pull weapons toward them, get all-new map pickups, and it looks like there’s some rather unique armor customization. The biggest change of all: Halo Infinite’s multiplayer is free-to-play.

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With a rather imminent release, Halo Infinite looks to have really benefited from its delay. It’s good that Microsoft was willing to take that chance and miss out on a solid launch title, seemingly knowing a delay would satisfy more people in the long run. First impressions mean everything and although it took a while, it seems like it’ll be worth it, especially as Halo Infinite is one of 2021’s most anticipated games.

Given Halo 5 really let some fans down, it’s good to see 343 Industries really taking its time. The team doesn’t really have a choice if it wants to really bring the franchise back to its former glory and it seems like Halo Infinite has the potential to do so based on its latest E3 showing. Whether or not this will “save Halo” remains to be seen, but it does look like a really solid game to have in the holiday line-up this year and an even better addition to the ever-growing Xbox Game Pass library.

Link Source : https://screenrant.com/halo-infinite-trailer-e3-multiplayer-gameplay-free/

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