Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

Star Wars: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)


Star Wars has a vocal fanbase who aren’t afraid to say their feelings. That means certain opinions online will be much different from most others.

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Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

With The Rise Of Skywalker at the end of 2019, the Star Wars sequel trilogy came to a close, and the four-year ride of excitement and speculation ended with it. Of course, what continued was the divisiveness and controversy surrounding all three movies, with the trilogy far surpassing even the prequel trilogy in how different the fandom’s opinions were on it.

Even with such divisiveness, though, there remains a slew of unpopular opinions about the trilogy, ones that go beyond simply thinking that The Last Jedi is a bad movie, with many of these being voiced throughout Reddit.

10 C-3PO Is More Of A Skywalker Than Rey

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

For all the hate she gets, there is a ton of Rey fans out there, a number that will only rise as generations grow up with the trilogy and find their hero being Rey. Perhaps the most divisive aspect of the character is her taking up the Skywalker mantle.

Redditor u/My-Work-Reddit believes that Threepio has a better claim to be a Skywalker than Rey. Considering he was built by and owned by Skywalkers his whole life, it is a valid argument. To those who dislike Rey and her taking up the Skywalker mantle, this makes sense, but for those who like Rey and Rey Skywalker, to say that Threepio is more of a Skywalker after Luke and Leia gave her the name, it is not popular.

9 The Last Jedi Has The Best Final Act

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

The most divisive movie in all of Star Wars, maybe even in all of pop culture as far as nerdy movies go, The Last Jedi has given way to many an opinion, both positive and negative.

Redditor u/GraconBease believes that The Last Jedi actually has the best final act in all of Star Wars. There is no doubt that the final 45 minutes, especially to fans of the movie, is pretty unbelievable. But with the number of haters of the movie combined with those who believe films like Empire, Return, Revenge, and even Rogue One have the best climax/final act, the opinion is fairly unpopular.

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8 The Rise Of Skywalker Is The Best Movie

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

Everyone has their own opinion on their favorite movie of each trilogy, which nobody has the right to disrespect. Still, there are definitely opinions that are far less popular on this topic.

Redditor u/LordJournalism says that not only is The Rise Of Skywalker their favorite movie of the trilogy but in all of Star Wars. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and fans should be happy that others find enjoyment in Star Wars no matter where it comes from, but there is no doubt that this is an opinion not many fans out there have.

7 The Last Jedi Is Not Visually Well Done

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

For all the hate it gets for everything from its writing to its humor to its characters, just about everyone can civilly agree The Last Jedi is a well-made, beautiful-looking movie.

Redditor u/orig4mi-713, though, cannot, stating that the movie is washed out and ugly, with Crait and Canto Bight looking awful. They also call the movie possibly the worst of all time, which is obviously a ludicrous, hyperbolic statement. How anybody can find the movie ugly looking with scenes like the Holdo maneuver, the sequence on Crait, the Throne Room, and more is wildly unpopular.

6 The Force Awakens Saved Star Wars

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

The time before The Force Awakens got released was a special era for fans, with excitement rife between all those who gave the Disney era of Star Wars a chance and who were delighted for a new chapter in the franchise and Skywalker saga.

Redditor u/Ned_Shimmelfinney claims that the movie actually saved the franchise since the prequels nearly killed it. They then go on to say The Last Jedi nearly ruined it again, but that is the opinion of a very vocal side of the fandom. Saying the prequels nearly killed Star Wars considering it has most of the fandom’s backing at this point and is why audiences got things like The Clone Wars, though, is definitely unpopular nowadays.

5 Poe Is The Worst Part Of The Last Jedi (& The Rise Of Skywalker Saved Him)

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

One of the biggest problems with the sequel trilogy’s lack of a plan was that so often a character got jumbled up, going from prominent to ignored, or having their arcs become very messy, with Poe being a great example of the latter.

Redditor u/XHelheimX believes Poe Dameron was the worst part of, what they see as, a weak The Last Jedi. They then go on to say that The Rise Of Skywalker actually saved his character. To many fans of the trilogy, Poe was great albeit inconsistent throughout the trilogy. Still, while his journey ended perfectly as co-General with Finn, his story was made very messy by The Rise Of Skywalker. On top of that, few out there, hater or lover, believe him to be the worst part of The Last Jedi.

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4 The Battle Of Exegol > The Battle Of Scarif

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

The entire Battle of Exegol is a bit of a mixed bag, lacking in a lot of emotional impact and being messy, but still having feel-good moments, and some stunning visuals, alongside the Rey/Palpatine fight that many loved.

Redditor u/passtuqe is clearly high on the battle, stating it to be superior to Rogue One’s Battle of Scarif. That third act of Rogue One is considered one of the best in Star Wars, thanks to that battle which is just jaw-dropping start-to-finish and puts the movie up in everyone’s estimation despite its character issues.

3 Canto Bight & DJ Were Great

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

Perhaps the one sequence that left even lovers of The Last Jedi disappointed was everything that went down in Canto Bight, from DJ to the execution of getting across Finn’s arc; it left fans either wanting more done better or none of it at all.

Redditor u/Bweryang believes everything about the time spent on Canto Bight is great, calling it one of the most Star Wars feeling sequences of the movie and calling DJ the best rogue character of the new Disney era. This is an unpopular opinion amongst fans and haters alike.

2 Poe Is The Only Interesting Character

Star Wars 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Sequel Trilogy (According To Reddit)

The up and down nature of characters in the trilogy got mentioned earlier, but there is no doubt the trilogy introduced some outstanding characters into the canon, like Rey, Ben Solo, Finn, and Poe.

Redditor u/Mo_Salah_, though, claims that the only character who is even a little interesting, not just out of the central group, but in the entire trilogy, is Poe Dameron. There is no added context, but with the other characters mentioned above and then the likes of Zorii, Jannah, and even Maz Kanata, it is definitely an unpopular opinion that Poe is the sole semi-interesting character.

1 The Last Jedi Is Both Overrated & Over-hated

Over the past four-plus years, The Last Jedi has found itself with two main camps: those who love the film and those who hate it an incredible amount, with little subgroups of each calling it their favorite film opposing those who say it ruined Star Wars.

Redditor u/IncoherentFrog falls right in the middle. They claim that the film is mediocre, but is in fact, not as awful as its haters make it out to be. At the same time, they state that those who love the film give it too much credit. There are a few out there who see the movie as average or in the middle of their rankings.

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